Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Clearwater FL Periodontist Dr. Todd Britten: Pregnancy and Gum Disease

Professional dental cleanings and routine check ups are particularly important during pregnancy.

Fluctuating hormone levels during pregnancy can cause normal, healthy gums to become red, irritated and swollen. Pregnancy Gingivitis (inflammation of the gums) is the body’s exaggerated response to plaque and calculus. It can range from gums that are redder than usual, to severe swelling and bleeding of the gums. Often a routine dental hygiene visit  as well as increased oral hygiene care at home can help to keep this condition under control.
Sometimes a pregnancy tumor can form on the gums during pregnancy. This large uncomfortable overgrowth of gum tissue forms as a lump on the between the teeth or along the gum line and often has deep red pinpoint markings on it forms on inflamed gum tissue. These growths can occur at any time during the course of pregnancy, although they usually occur during the second trimester. These growths, while not at all cancerous, may require antibiotic treatment or to be removed surgically by your dentist or periodontist.

It is better to be closely monitored before your pregnancy if possible to catch any potential problems before they occur as well to minimize any need for dental x-rays during pregnancy. It is also important during pregnancy to stay current with your regular dental hygiene visits and examinations to catch any potential gum or tooth problems at the earliest possible time.  Although dentists will typically postpone major treatment until after delivery, emergencies do come up and need to be addressed.  Since your baby’s organs are being formed in the first trimester, this work is ideally taken care of during the second trimester to minimize any potential risk.
Some major studies have shown a link between gum disease and premature birth. This is likely due to the levels of elevated inflammatory chemicals in the bloodstream of a pregnant mother due to untreated gum disease.  One study published in The Journal of the American Dental Association found that pregnant women with chronic gum disease were four to seven times more likely to deliver prematurely (before week 37) and underweight babies than mothers with healthy gums.  Mothers with severe periodontal disease delivered the most prematurely, at 32 weeks. 

You can contact Dr. Todd Britten in his Clearwater, Florida periodontal practice at 727-586-2681 or visit his website at

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Clearwater FL Periodontist Dr. Todd Britten Welcomes You!

I haven't been to the dentist in a long time! What do I need to do?

Please know that you are not alone! Whether you have been away from the dentist for 6 months or 6 years, it’s never too late to get back into a good and healthy routine.  
We are here to help!  Call us to schedule a thorough and educational exam appointment. 
We are grateful for the opportunity to assist you in achieving a healthy and functional smile.
Your initial exam will last approximately one hour. We will review your medical and dental history and perform a thorough examination of your teeth and gums.  This will include looking for signs of periodontal disease, gum recession, tooth looseness, and missing teeth.  Dr. Britten will also check your bite (occlusion) and perform an oral cancer screening exam.

During this initial consultation we will be able to provide a diagnosis of your periodontal condition and propose a treatment plan to improve your dental health.  Occasionally, Dr. Britten prefers additional time to review his findings and “do his homework” so that he can provide the best ​recommended treatment options.  We may then ask you to return for a complimentary second consultation visit.  

Dr. Todd Britten and his talented and experienced staff are focused on providing patient-centered care, and we take the time to explain to our patients the risks, benefits, and alternative options they have with any dental treatment. Our practice is very warm and compassionate, and we are sensitive to the needs of each individual patient. Contact our Clearwater periodontal office today to schedule an appointment at 727-586-2681 or visit our website at

Friday, October 7, 2016

Clearwater Periodontist Dr. Todd Britten talks about Custom Fitted Nightguards

Many people clench or grind their teeth whether they realize it or not. Clenching and grinding can be detrimental to your teeth and to their supporting structures (gum tissues and bone). It can cause wear on the biting surfaces, root defects, gum recession, contribute to gum disease and tooth shifting and mobility, and cause muscular and TMJ (joint) issues.

Most people are completely unaware that they do it, because it happens while they are sleeping. Many patients do not realize they grind their teeth and find the thought of wearing a night guard very unappealing.

Nightguards purchased online or at the drug store are not custom fitted, they are usual one size fits all or boil & bites. They can be large, unattractive, poorly fitting and may even come out during the grinding.

Your dentist is trained in how a persons' bite should function, how the teeth should come together and will take into account your specific situation and grinding pattern. Your dentist’s office will take impressions of your teeth so that the dental lab can make a might guard that is the exact match to your teeth.

Although the initial investment may be greater, a custom fit nightguard can be an extremely worthwhile investment in the long run. It is designed by your dentist to fit your teeth exactly and is much more likely than a store bought guard to prevent you from needing more expensive dental work in the future. In many case, dental insurance covers all or part of the cost.

Dr. Britten can check your teeth and bite for signs of abnormal clenching and grinding and work with your dentist to fabricate the right appliance for you. Contact our office at 728-586-2681, via email at or visit our website with any questions or concerns you have.
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Clearwater FL Periodontist Shares: Is Periodontal Disease Contagious?

"Research has shown that periodontal disease is caused by the inflammatory reaction to bacteria under the gums, so periodontal disease technically may not be contagious.

However, the bacteria that cause the inflammatory reaction can be spread through saliva. This means that if one of your family members has periodontal disease, it’s a good idea to avoid contact with their saliva by not sharing eating utensils or oral health equipment.

If you notice that your spouse or a family member has the warning signs of a possible periodontal problem (bleeding, red and swollen gums, or bad breath) you may want to suggest that they see the periodontist for an exam. It may help to protect the oral health of everyone in the family."

If you have any questions, please contact us 727-586-2681 or email
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Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Clearwater FL Periodontist Dr. Todd Britten Shares: Clenching and Grinding of Teeth, contributes to periodontal disease

Over 60 million Americans grind their teeth at night

Do you ever wake up with an aching jaw, tooth sensitivity or notice that your teeth seem to be shifting or loosening? Clenching or grinding your teeth can put excessive force on the supporting tissues of the teeth and could speed up the rate at which periodontal tissues are destroyed. Teeth grinding or clenching can also cause abnormal wear and tear on the teeth which will prematurely age and loosen them, causing problems such as hypersensitivity (from the small cracks that form, exposing your dentin). Clenching or grinding, known as bruxism, can also lead to chronic jaw and facial pain, as well as headaches.
If no one has told you that you grind your teeth, here are a few clues that you may suffer from bruxism:
Your jaw is sore often, or you hear popping sounds when you open and close your mouth.
Your teeth look short or worn down.
You notice dents in your tongue, especially along the edges.
A common therapy involves use of a special appliance worn while sleeping which your dentist can custom fit for you.
Dr. Britten can evaluate you for evidence of clenching or grinding and make the appropriate recommendation to avoid further damage to your teeth, gums and TMJ.

If you have any questions or concerns about bruxism, please contact our office at 727-586-2681 or visit our website at  

Friday, September 30, 2016

Clearwater FL Periodontist Dr. Todd Britten Explains: Gum Disease, a Lifelong Condition...

Gum Disease a Lifelong Condition

Gum disease is a chronic lifelong condition which can often be halted in its earliest, often reversible stage, gingivitis. "Untreated gingivitis can advance to periodontitis (gum disease). With time, plaque can spread and grow below the gum line. Toxins produced by the bacteria in plaque irritate the gums. The toxins stimulate a chronic inflammatory response in which the body in essence turns on itself, and the tissues and bone that support the teeth are broken down and destroyed. Gums separate from the teeth, forming pockets (spaces between the teeth and gums) that become infected. As the disease progresses, the pockets deepen and more gum tissue and bone are destroyed. Often, this destructive process has very mild symptoms. Eventually, teeth can become loose and may have to be removed." -from

Once you have been diagnosed with gum disease, it can be treated with surgical and non-surgical therapy and in most cases easily maintained for life with routine periodontal maintenance (dental hygiene visits and close monitoring) and a recommended home care schedule. Gum disease is a lifelong battle, however, we are committed to working with you and your dentist to keep your smile healthy for life. Please contact our office at or visit our website at for more information.

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Clearwater FL Periodontist Todd Britten Shares: What is Periodontal Disease?

What is periodontal disease?

Q: What is periodontal disease?
A: Periodontal disease, also known as gum disease, often begins as a buildup of plaque on the tooth's surface near the gum line. If this plaque is not removed by brushing and flossing regularly, it can harden into what your dentist calls tartar. Plaque will continue to build up over the tartar, eventually causing the gums to become red, swollen, and irritated. This is known as gingivitis and is the first stage of periodontal disease. If leftuntreated, gingivitis can turn into periodontal disease.
What are the symptoms of periodontal disease?
-Red, swollen, sore gums
-Gums that bleed when brushing and flossing
-Teeth that appear longer or become loose
-Large spaces that form between the teeth
-Gums that begin to pull away from the teeth
-Chronic bad breath
Periodontal disease, if left untreated, can contribute to other health problems including heart disease and diabetes. If you're pregnant, having periodontal disease is also linked to premature birth or low birth weight. Your smile's health affects the overall health of your body.
As a periodontist, Dr Britten enjoys making a positive impact in our patients’ lives by improving their smiles as well as their comfort and health. We believe in delivering state of the art care with a gentle touch in a lighthearted environment. If you have any questions about your periodontal (gum) health, please contact our office at 727-586-2681 or visit our website at

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Clearwater FL Periodontist Shares: What is Peri-Implantitis?

Clearwater FL Periodontist Shares: What is Peri-Implantitis? Dental implants are fantastic, but like anything biologic or placed in or on the human body can NOT always be completely predictable or guaranteed all the time. One of the long-term risks associated with dental implants is a condition called Peri-implantitis. Peri-implantitis is an infectious disease that causes inflammation of the surrounding gum and bone of a dental implant, and can lead to the loss of supporting bone. This condition is very difficult to treat. Fortunately, most patients receiving dental implants never develop this condition. Sometimes, for a variety of reasons, bone can be lost around a dental implant. This will often occur without a patient ever being aware of it. Some dental implants will develop bone loss very early after having the implant crown is placed or it can happen many years down the road. Most patients are unaware that they have bone loss around the dental implant. Peri-implantitis generally begins painlessly and without symptoms. Once peri-implantitis becomes advanced, symptoms can develop and the patient will notice. There are several risk factors for peri-implantitis, especially smoking. Smoking definitely causes constriction of blood vessels which leads to bone loss. Medical issues such as Diabetes, Osteoporosis and a weakened immune system are more at risk for developing bone loss around dental implants. Those with a history of gum disease are more at risk. Good home care is critical. Brushing twice a day for 2 minutes or more with an electric toothbrush, flossing once a day and using adjuncts such as a rubber tip or implant floss every day! Grinding your teeth is another risk factor for dental implant bone loss. Factors related to the surgical procedure can also cause peri-implantitis to later occur: Soft bone, lack of tightness when the dental implant is placed, bone that was grafted in a vertical fashion, implant size too big, overheated bone, and many others. Signs of Peri-implantitis • Deep periodontal pockets around the implant • Pus comes out from the implants and gums • Bleeding at the gumline • Appearance – Gum tissue may appear red, or slightly purplish bluish, and tartar/plaque build up is noted • Progressive loss of supporting bone on x-rays • Metal thread exposure • Long tooth Again, peri-implantitis is not always symptomatic and typically there is no pain. Some patients will complain of a dull ache or tenderness when they brush or touch the area. A bad taste can develop if infection or pus has developed around the implant. If this infection around the implant becomes very severe, the glands in your neck may become swollen and the dental implants may begin to be noticeably loose. The first thing an implant specialist will usually check around the implant is to make sure the crown or bridge was made properly. An x-ray, or sometimes a 3-D Cone Beam CT scan is necessary to see the inside surface. Extra cement can often be the cause of peri-implantitis. The cement oozes beyond the abutment and gets down below the gum near the bone and becomes an irritant. There is often good reason to make crowns held in by screws rather than cement in some cases. The technique of cementation and choice of cement used is a big factor on implant success! This is why it is important to work with an experience implant specialist and restorative dentist in implant placement. Occasionally a loose abutment screw may be present which may not have been torqued properly or it has broken, sometimes due to a patient’s heavy bite. Patients with heavy bites need to have their crowns designed to protect the implants. How an implant crown is made is critical for the longevity of the dental implant in the bone. Low-budget implants have poorly designed screws or may move (even microscopically) when you chew. Sometimes gum disease on nearby teeth can stimulate peri-implantitis to start on the implant. Generally some type of exploratory surgery needs to be done to find out the cause of peri-implantitis along with a simultaneous bone graft to save the implant. Not all implants that have developed peri-implantitis can be saved. Treatment The long-term goals are to stop the progression of bone loss and maintain your dental implants! Generally speaking the area will need to be cleaned thoroughly using dental instruments. Sometimes antibiotics will be prescribed or special antibacterial agents will need to be applied to the implants itself such as iodine or tetracycline. Sometimes a laser procedure can be performed around the implant, called LAPIP, to sterilize the implant. Most peri-implantitis dental implants require surgery and bone grafting. This means that the dental implant surgeon has to open the gum tissue in order to detoxify the implant. All of the bacteria will be killed in order to have bone re-grafted onto the implants. The physiology and the type of bone that is used is critical. Sometimes your implant surgeon will recommend using your body’s own helpful blood products such as PRF/ PRP. The best way to prevent peri-impantitis is to have the implant properly placed by a specialist and restored by a highly experienced restorative dentist. Oral surgeons and periodontists have extensive training and have also developed more predictable implant placement technique. When an implant has had too much bone loss, a success rate can be as low as 35 to 50%. Some severe cases of peri-implantitis are better off removing the implant and placing a new one if detoxifying and regrafting do not seem to have a good long-term prognosis. If one implant fails or develops bone loss, it doesn’t mean the second one will. Time will tell if the procedure works. There are no guarantees on grafting around implants that have pre-existing bone loss. It is far more successful if the bone missing is in the shape of a moat rather than an entire wall missing.
Correction of dental implants with problems should be performed by an implant specialist and highly trained restorative dentist who routinely performs this procedure. Dr. Todd Britten is a periodontist and implant specialist practicing in Clearwater, Florida. As periodontist, Dr. Britten specializes in the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of periodontal disease, the placement of dental implants and bone grafts, and treatment of oral inflammation. Periodontists also perform cosmetic periodontal surgery. Dr. Britten has received an additional three years of specialty education and surgical training beyond dental school and has experience in treating this very difficult condition. If you have any questions regarding implant placement, contact us at 727-586-2681 or email us at

Friday, July 22, 2016

Clearwater FL Periodontist Shares: What is Peri-Implantitis?

Clearwater FL Periodontist Shares: What is Peri-Implantitis?
Dental implants are fantastic, but like anything biologic or placed in or on the human body can not be completely predictable or guaranteed all the time. One of the long-term risks associated with dental implants is a condition called Peri-implantitis. Peri-implantitis is an infectious disease that causes inflammation of the surrounding gum and bone of a dental implant, and can lead to the loss of supporting bone. This condition is very difficult to treat. Fortunately, most patients receiving dental implants never develop this condition
There are several risk factors for peri-implantitis, especially smoking. Smoking definitely causes constriction of blood vessels which leads to bone loss. Medical issues such as Diabetes, Osteoporosis and a weakened immune system are more at risk for developing bone loss around dental implants. Those with a history of gum disease are more at risk. Good home care is critical. Brushing twice a day for 2 minutes or more with an electric toothbrush, flossing once a day and using adjuncts such as a rubber tip or implant floss every day! Grinding your teeth is another risk factor for dental implant bone loss.
Factors related to the surgical procedure can also cause peri-implantitis to later occur:
Soft bone, lack of tightness when the dental implant is placed, bone that was grafted in a vertical fashion, implant size too big, overheated bone, and many others.
Signs of Peri-implantitis
• Deep periodontal pockets around the implant
• Pus comes out from the implants and gums
• Bleeding at the gumline
• Appearance – Gum tissue may appear red, or slightly purplish bluish, and tartar/plaque build up is noted
• Progressive loss of supporting bone on x-rays
• Metal thread exposure
• Long tooth
Again, peri-implantitis is not always symptomatic and typically there is no pain. Some patients will complain of a dull ache or tenderness when they brush or touch the area. A bad taste can develop if infection or pus has developed around the implant. If this infection around the implant becomes very severe, the glands in your neck may become swollen and the dental implants may begin to be noticeably loose.
The first thing an implant specialist will usually check around the implant is to make sure the crown or bridge was made properly. An x-ray, or sometimes a 3-D Cone Beam CT scan is necessary to see the inside surface. Extra cement can often be the cause of peri-implantitis. The cement oozes beyond the abutment and gets down below the gum near the bone and becomes an irritant. There is often good reason to make crowns held in by screws rather than cement in some cases. The technique of cementation and choice of cement used is a big factor on implant success! This is why it is important to work with an experience implant specialist and restorative dentist in implant placement.
Occasionally a loose abutment screw may be present which may not have been torqued properly or it has broken, sometimes due to a patient’s heavy bite. Patients with heavy bites need to have their crowns designed to protect the implants. How an implant crown is made is critical for the longevity of the dental implant in the bone. Low-budget implants have poorly designed screws or may move (even microscopically) when you chew.
Sometimes gum disease on nearby teeth can stimulate peri-implantitis to start on the implant. Generally some type of exploratory surgery needs to be done to find out the cause of peri-implantitis along with a simultaneous bone graft to save the implant. Not all implants that have developed peri-implantitis can be saved.
The long-term goals are to stop the progression of bone loss and maintain your dental implants! Generally speaking the area will need to be cleaned thoroughly using dental instruments. Sometimes antibiotics will be prescribed or special antibacterial agents will need to be applied to the implants itself such as iodine or tetracycline. Sometimes a laser procedure can be performed around the implant, called LAPIP, to sterilize the implant.
Most peri-implantitis dental implants require surgery and bone grafting. This means that the dental implant surgeon has to open the gum tissue in order to detoxify the implant. All of the bacteria will be killed in order to have bone re-grafted onto the implants.
The best way to prevent peri-impantitis is to have the implant properly placed by a specialist and restored by a highly experienced restorative dentist. Oral surgeons and periodontists have extensive training and have also developed more predictable implant placement technique. When an implant has had too much bone loss, a success rate can be as low as 35 to 50%. Some severe cases of peri-implantitis are better off removing the implant and placing a new one if detoxifying and regrafting do not seem to have a good long-term prognosis.
If one implant fails or develops bone loss, it doesn’t mean the second one will.
Time will tell if the procedure works. There are no guarantees on grafting around implants that have pre-existing bone loss. It is far more successful if the bone missing is in the shape of a moat rather than an entire wall missing.
Correction of dental implants with problems should be performed by an implant specialist and highly trained restorative dentist who routinely performs this procedure.
Dr. Todd Britten is a periodontist and implant specialist practicing in Clearwater, Florida. As periodontist, Dr. Britten specializes in the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of periodontal disease, the placement of dental implants and bone grafts, and treatment of oral inflammation. Periodontists also perform cosmetic periodontal surgery.
Dr. Britten has received an additional three years of specialty education and surgical training beyond dental school and has experience in treating this very difficult condition.
If you have any questions regarding implant placement, contact us at 727-586-2681 or email us at

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Clearwater Periodontist Dr. Todd Britten: Periodontal Disease Can Be Treated and Controlled

Periodontal Disease Can Be Controlled and Treated

Periodontal Disease Can Be Controlled and Treated

Your dentist and/or dental hygienist routinely perform an examination of your gum tissue health which includes periodontal probing, or measuring of the depth of your gums.
Unhealthy gums pull away from the teeth and form "pockets" that are infected. The body's immune system fights bacteria as the plaque spreads and grows below the gum line. Bacterial toxins and the body's own enzymes fighting the infection start to break down the bone and connective tissue that hold teeth in place. If not treated, the bones, gums, and connective tissue that support the teeth are destroyed. The teeth may eventually become loose and have to be removed.
Periodontal disease – and the harmful affects to the gums and supporting structures of the teeth – can be controlled and treated. Improvement to our patients’ overall health is also often dramatically improved.
The health improvement is easy to appreciate when you consider living with an active bacterial infection, easily exposed to one’s bloodstream, can have a detrimental affect beyond the harm to the tooth and gums.
If you have symptoms of gum disease, contact us immediately. Gum disease addressed early can be reversed – and gum disease addressed later can be controlled. For more information, please contact our office at 727-586-2681 or

Thursday, July 14, 2016

Clearwater FL Periodontist Shares: Oral Hygiene Aids, Rubbertip Stimulator

A daily thorough oral hygiene routine is vital for the prevention of periodontal disease and the long term success of periodontal treatment.  Periodontal disease (also called gum disease and periodontitis) is the leading cause of tooth loss in the developed world, and is completely preventable in the vast majority of cases.

Our blog will cover various oral hygiene tools that are effective for daily homecare.  Ask your dental hygienist which routine and aids are right for you!

A rubbertip stimulator is a common oral hygiene aid utilized in our practice for periodontal patients' and implant patients' homecare.

The GUM® Stimulator has been designed by dental professionals to promote healthy and firm gums by massaging the gingival tissues and stimulating the blood flow. It is a traditional method to maintain your gums in good health. It consists of two separate parts: a comfortable ergonomic anodized aluminum handle and a replaceable synthetic rubber tip stimulator. In addition to massaging the tissue it helps to dislodge food particles and dental plaque between the teeth. 

• Point the gum stimulator toward your gums at a 45-degree angle.
• Run the rubber tip of the gum stimulator in a circle for 10 seconds between each tooth. Stimulate the gums by working the rubber tip back and forth along the gum line. Besides removing plaque, it stimulates your gums and helps with blood circulation.

Compared to traditional gum stimulators that use a metal handle with a disposable tip, the Plaque Buster is an innovative, one-piece, injection-molded design with no metal to scratch the user’s teeth. The device was designed for a comfortable overall feel.
Ask our staff which oral hygiene aids are right for you! Visit our website at; or email us at